Posts Tagged ‘Pelikan fountain pen’


A Dozen Distractions From The Pen World And Beyond


An odd mix of things that provided much-appreciated distraction this past week…

Five years on, I still love this duo.


Need A Distraction? Pen Links To The Rescue!


Whether you call it quarantine, lockdown or unscheduled stay-cation, fifteen straight days at home has provided too much time to squander in the pursuit of a quick fix, either intellectually or emotionally. Seeking out noteworthy sites has helped me stay out of trouble. Well, for the most part. What keeps you going?

From the archives, inks in rotation April 3, 2012.


It’s Fountain Pen Day!


Fountain Pen Day is a time for celebration, but also a time to appreciate my collection. Four years on, these pens remain favorites. Perhaps I am not as fickle as I thought. Do you have pens that remain in use despite acquiring new ones? Which are your favorites?



Sunday Reads: Lotsa Pen Stuff Plus Extra Credit Questions


This post started out as exclusively pen and ink links but the “Extra Credit Questions” piece begged to be included. I couldn’t resist.

From the archives


Sunday Reads: Pen Gear And Frolicking Felines


The past week was insane and it wasn’t just the craziness the media covers. Spending time reading about pens and such was a most welcome distraction.


Sunday Reads: Pens, Inks, And A Pup In Pink


The pup in pink won me over…



Pelikan’s European Price Increase


The Pelikan’s Perch has a comprehensive post about the price hike and a theory behind the increase. The comments to the article add to understanding how Pelikan aficionados view the situation.

At its peak, there were a dozen Pelikans in my collection. That number has been cut by half so I remain an enthusiast. My modern M400 has been a solid worker for many years though it needed adjustment before it truly suited my hand. It has a fine nib with no drag and significant flow. There are days when it is the perfect pen though it is never inspiring since I like lines with at least a modicum of character. The fine has none. Round nibs aren’t expected to so that isn’t a fault. Just something that is.

The current offering of just five nib sizes does not appeal to me and I would not spend the going rate for any of them. In the past, Pelikan offered a huge variety of nibs but that has long since ceased to be. That deficiency in addition to the escalating prices makes older and vintage Pels more appealing. Not that you can’t spend a goodly sum on a vintage pen, but why buy new when there are gems on offer that are far more exciting to use.

Platinum and Pelikan Pens
Binder Modified Pelikan Stub

Pelikan M400 with Waterman Florida Blue Ink

Pelikan 400 Tortoiseshell Brown (1951-1954) Quick Fountain Pen Review

Pelikan M400 (Old Style, 1982-1997) Tortoiseshell Brown Quick Fountain Pen Review