
Sunday Reads: Ink, Journals, And Cursive


Over the summer, my laptop exhibited all sorts of troubled behavior that culminated in a meltdown of its hard drive and failure of its flash drive, the one that was used for backups. Restoration is a work-in-progress. Even so, there are a few links that did not disappear down the rabbit hole that I hope you enjoy.

Smartest dog ever!



  1. I’ve been thinking of keeping a journal for a while, but haven’t done so because I felt pressured to keep it pretty. I think if I call it a commonplace book, I’ll be just fine with it. Thanks for the link! Hope the computer recovery goes smoothly…


    • Welcome. A commonplace is what I kept, but never had a name for it. My journaling went from a daily paragraph in a week-per-page notebook to free-form in an undated, lined, spiral notebook. My only requirement was that the paper tolerate fountain pen ink. Notes in margins, tea splotches, and doodles at odd angles eliminated “pretty” early in my journey. “Neat” would have been a good word for my goal. When I finally conceded that it only mattered to me, writing in my journal became a much more satisfying endeavor. No subject was off-limits and no splotch was too ugly. That worked well for me. You will find your own way and may it be a worthwhile adventure.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you! But yes, I agree that whatever book I use must hold up to fountain pen ink.


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