
Links From Physics To Bumblebees To New Inks


Vested interest in this lot with a link to my daughter’s Society6 store…

Talented Tessa on Society6. (20% discount and free shipping on select items over Memorial Day weekend.)


  1. With respect to the page on “6 Surprising Authors Who Wrote Screenplays for Hollywood,” I wanted to mention that while quite a big deal is made about William Faulkner writing the screenplay (and it should be), many people do not know that he was one of several novelists who worked on it. And talk about “surprised”: Howard Hawks hired Leigh Brackett, a friend of Ray Bradbury’s and the author of a mystery novel that he admired (No Good from a Corpse) to work with Faulkner on the project. The surprise? Leigh was a woman! (He thought only men could write hard-boiled mystery.) Brackett wrote a LOT of science fiction, but she also worked on a number of movie scripts. She wrote the first draft of The Empire Strikes Back, our John Wayne film, and The Long Goodbye. Her novels are very much worth reading and quite affordable in digital editions. I would encourage your readers to investigate them.

    You can find the story of The Big Sleep’s journey to film here: http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/24062%7C0/The-Big-Sleep.html


    • Thanks for adding context to that link, Denise.


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