
What To Do With Old Pens


At some point fountain pen converts look at that drawer filled with markers, rollerballs, gel pens, ballpoints, and other unloved writing instruments and wonder what to do with them. Well, here’s the best idea yet: Donate them.

Didn’t know you could do that? Erin at La Plume Etoile has the details but the gist of the idea is simple. Kids in Africa lack basic school supplies and can make good use of your still useful pens. The more kids learn, the better their chances of success in life. Who can’t get on board with that!

So pack up all your old pens and send them where they will do some good. Face it. All they can do in your drawer is dry out.  Treat them to a better fate and a retirement in Africa. Is that a cool idea or what!

More at The Pen Addict.


  1. Great idea. I did this a few years ago when a neighbor who was a retired teacher was going to the Mississippi coastal area after Hurricane Katrina taking school supplies to the schools that had lost everything. I donated boxes of old ballpoints, rollerballs, markers and highlighters.
    Now I have amassed yet another huge supply and will definitely be on board to donate to Africa. Thanks for the suggestion.


    • Fantastic!


  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Margana and Okami, Norman Haase. Norman Haase said: RT @inkophile What To Do With Old Pens: http://wp.me/pfSKv-nX via http://twib.es/6NP?b […]


  3. Such a great idea! Thanks for posting this!!!


  4. Thanks for the mention and for helping to spread the word about PFK!

    I always enjoy reading your posts.


  5. Excellent blog, i enjoyed reading through it, keep it up!

    I have a question that your expertise may be able to answer…

    What are your thoughts on Uni Pen (from Japan)?
    In particular, how do their pigment fineliners (0.5, 0.8 etc line widths) compare to those of Staedtler’s? Uni Pen is WAY cheaper…is there a significant difference?


    • Glad you enjoyed reading my blog. Unfortunately, I have no experience with the Uni Pen but you might try The Pen Addict for “fineliner” reviews.


  6. But what do you do with old DEAD pens??? I take them and use them for my Mercedes pens Art Car covered in over 10,000 pens and other projects:)http://www.pen-guy.blogspot.com/


    • Cool idea!


  7. Where specifically do I send the pens to Africa?! Can you give me an address?


    • All the information I have has been posted and that was four years ago. There is probably newer info anyway.


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